Quarterly of The John Paul II Institute
ISSN 0860-8024
DOI prefix: 10.12887
The John Paul II Institute
Faculty of Philosophy
The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin
Al. Racławickie 14, 20-950 Lublin, Poland
Phone: +48 81 4453218
Fax +48 81 4453217
Submission guidelines
The themes of the forthcoming volumes of Ethos can be found on the back cover of every volume and on the journal’s website. Submissions are subject to double-blind peer review by two independent and external referees [please click here] and to editorial revisions. One of the referees will represent an academic milieu from outside Poland, non-related to that of the author; the other will be a Polish scholar. In order to facilitate double-blind peer review process, authors are requested to eliminate all references that might identify them.
The editors reserve the right to decide whether a received manuscript will be considered for publication.
General guidelines
The suggested length for Ethos articles is 4,000 to 8,000 words, including notes. Review and report articles should not exceed 4,000 words.
An article should be followed by a bibliography comprising a full list of the references, an abstract (up to 1,800 characters), and keywords.
The abstract should define the goal of the paper and outline the problem it discusses, as well as the methods applied throughout the scrutiny, the conclusions the author has reached, and the proposed further research on the subject.
Authors are requested to fill in a form [please click here] to provide information necessary for the editors to prepare biographical notes about the contributors.
Submission of an article written in a language other than Polish should be accompanied by a declaration that the text in question has not been published elsewhere, either in print or online, and that it is not being considered for publication in any other periodical or monograph.
Authors are requested to disclose names of anyone participating in the preparation of the submission (together with their affiliation and contribution), as well as all the sources of research funding used in its preparation.
Ghostwriting and guest authorship are violation of the standard codes of scholarly conduct, and all its instances will be unmasked and documented, and the appropriate entities notified.
Formatting the file
Please submit your file as a Word document (doc or docx).
Formatting the document
Lines should be double-spaced, including quotations and notes, using Times New Roman font in 12 point size. Format your paper following the latest edition of the Chicago Manual of Style. Place page numbers on each page. Notes should be numbered consecutively and placed at the foot of each page.
Notes should be used primarily for citation purposes and include all the necessary bibliographic information. Notes should not contain any discussion that can be incorporated into the body of the paper.
Authors are expected to obtain permission to reproduce any copyrighted materials (e.g., photographs, facsimiles, art reproductions) used in their articles. Please submit 300 dpi TIF files. Supply each illustration with a caption, accompanied by a source line and any required acknowledgments.
Quotations from foreign languages
In cases where standard scholarly translations of quoted texts are available, scholars may rely upon them for both text and notes. If such editions are not readily available, the author must provide the original texts for the use of reviewers and translators.
Please use the Latin alphabet throughout your manuscript and apply transliteration/transcription in cases of words from languages using other alphabets.
Citations format
The first reference to a given work should include full bibliographic information, as in the following basic citation examples:
• (book)
Rocco Buttiglione, Myśl Karola Wojtyły, trans. Jarosław Merecki (Lublin: Instytut Jana Pawła II KUL, 2010).
• (journal article)
Edward Sapir, “Sound Patterns in Language,” Language 1, no. 2 (1925): 37–51.
• (article in a monograph)
Stanisław Judycki, “Istnienie i natura duszy ludzkiej,” in: Antropologia, ed. Stanisław Janeczek (Lublin: Wydawnictwo KUL, 2010), 121–77.
In cases of direct quotations, please supply only the number of the page from which the given quotation comes.
When a given work has already been cited, please shorten the reference to: author, title, page number.
References to the classical texts must include the standard identification numbers for those texts, e.g., Plato, Timaeus, 86 B-C.
References to the speeches of John Paul II should include precise information on when and where a given speech was delivered. References to encyclicals and other Catholic Church documents should include the numbers of the sections referred to.
Copyright and permissions
By submitting a text for publication, authors grant an exclusive license to the quarterly Ethos. Should authors wish to republish their article in another periodical or in a monograph, they are requested to apply for permission to the John Paul II Institute at the Catholic University of Lublin. Such permissions are generally granted on condition that all the required credits are included in the republished version.
If you wish to reproduce material published in Ethos in a paper or in an electronic work that is not the author’s own, please contact the John Paul II Institute at the Catholic University of Lublin. Permissions and rights are granted after processing your request, and obtaining them involves fee payment. Your request should include a description of the intended publication, its language and print run. Note that Ethos may not be the copyright holder of some of the material published in the journal. Please check the copyrights or acknowledgment notes before making your request.