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DOI 10.12887/28-2015-4-112-08

Waldemar CZAJKOWSKI – Nonstandard Idea of Metaphilosophy and Ethos of Philosophy

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The paper presents a nonstandard idea of metaphilosophy, distinguishes it from the standard idea, and argues why this idea deserves to be applied. It is assumed that standard metaphilosophy can be interpreted as philosophy of philosophy, similarly to philosophy of science or of art, thus as a rather specialized branch of philosophy. Nonstandard metaphilosophy is characterized as a way of developing philosophy, differing from the traditional ways by its goal: traditionally developed philosophy tries to construct an image of Whole; philosophy developed in nonstandard-metaphilosophical way tries to construct a ‘space’ of all possible/conceivable images of the Whole. Ii is argued that this way of developing philosophy might strengthen both the community of philosophers, and improve its positive influence on the development of global community.

Keywords: standard metaphilosophy, nonstandard metaphilosophy, ethos, community, discussion

Contact: Katedra Stosowanych Nauk Społecznych, Wydział Organizacji i Zarządzania, Politechnika Śląska,
ul. Roosevelta 26-28, 41-800 Zabrze, Poland

E-mail: waldemarczajkowski@wp.pl
Phone: +48 32 2777323

Pliki do pobrania:

» 112czajkowski.pdf

  1. ISSN 0860-8024
  2. e-ISSN 2720-5355
  3. The Republic of Poland Ministry of Science and Higher Education Value: 100.00
  4. Quarterly “Ethos” is indexed by the following databases: EBSCO, CEEOL, Index Copernicus (ICV 2017: 55.26), Philosopher’s Index, ERIH Plus.
  5. DOI Prefix 10.12887