zobacz powiększenie | DOI 10.12887/31-2018-4-124-07 Adam SAWICKI – The Sin of Knowledge and an Attempt at Freedom: The Notion of ‘Fall’ in the Religious and Philosophical Concepts Advanced by Lev Shestov and Nikolai Berdyaev Cena brutto: 7,00 PLN za szt. |
The article discusses two concepts of the Fall, conceived of as, firstly, the sin of knowledge and, secondly, as an attempt at freedom. The former may be found in Lev Shestov’s biblical philosophy, and the latter in Nicolai Berdyaev’s Christian gnosis. The author expounds the way in which the mentioned philosophers reconstructed the relationship between the fall, knowledge, and freedom, as well as the one between God, nothingness, and the human being. He also analyzes the problem of the consequences of the Fall of man Shestov and Berdyaev, respectively, scrutinize, as well as the ways of overcoming these consequences they propose. The paper emphasizes religious inspiration of their views and compares the conceptions they worked out, taking into account their debate on the original sin. Keywords: the Fall, nothingness, freedom, objectification, good, evil, faith, creativity, fear, original sin, knowledge, mind, reason Contact: Katedra Metafizyki i Ontologii, Instytut Filozofii i Socjologii, Wydział Humanistyczny, Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. KEN, ul. Podchorążych 2, 30-084 Cracow, Poland Pliki do pobrania: » 124_Sawicki.pdf |