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DOI 10.12887/37-2024-1-145-16

Sławomir CZAPNIK and Mariusz SNOPEK, Staying True to Beauty and to the Humiliated: Zygmunt Bauman’s Vision of the Humanist

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The aim of this text is to outline the vision of the humanist as seen by the sociologist Zygmunt Bauman. The article comprises three chapters and discusses issues representative of his oeuvre: (1) the problem of remaining faithful to beauty, including literature and art, (2) commitment to the humiliated, among them the poor and the discriminated, and (3) the moral duty of intellectuals to commit themselves to the good and to the transformation of the world. In the concluding part of the paper, the authors point to the most inspiring motifs in Bauman’s output which might be further developed by humanists in the future.

Keywords: Zygmunt Bauman, modernity, sociology, humanists, beauty

Sławomir Czapnik, Katedra Komunikacji Społecznej i Dziennikarstwa, Instytut Nauk o Polityce i Administracji, Uniwersytet Opolski, ul. Katowicka 89, 45-061 Opole, Poland;
Mariusz Snopek, Mariusz Snopek, Instytut Społecznych Podstaw Penitencjarystyki, Akademia Wymiaru Sprawiedliwości, ul. Wiśniowa 50, 02-520 Warszawa; Poland; 
Sławomir Czapnik, s.czapnik@uni.opole.pl
Mariusz Snopek, mariusz.snopek@aws.edu.pl;

  1. ISSN 0860-8024
  2. e-ISSN 2720-5355
  3. The Republic of Poland Ministry of Science and Higher Education Value: 100.00
  4. Quarterly “Ethos” is indexed by the following databases: EBSCO, CEEOL, Index Copernicus (ICV 2017: 55.26), Philosopher’s Index, ERIH Plus.
  5. DOI Prefix 10.12887